"Cusps as Governors"
© 2009-2022 Antero Alli


The Hidden Needs of ‘Governors’

The astrological style beginning each State is called “the cusp” or, as I call it, “the governor” or, “the landlord or landlady” of that House. The Cusp sign indicates a specific need that, when understood and met, can allow a more direct access to the experiences represented by the State it governs:


ARIES (keyword: action). The need for decisiveness and taking single-handed control
with the experience at hand. Being in charge and instigating the direction according to
one’s own will.

TAURUS (keyword: value). The need to evaluate the worthiness of experiences.
Measuring and assessing the value of the experiences symbolized by this State.
The need to take your time to more thoroughly experience life in this state.

GEMINI (keyword: variety). The need for diversification in the experience to
satiate curiosity and learn as much as possible. Gathering data by association,
deduction, reasoning, writing, thinking, and talking.

CANCER (keyword: attachment). The need to emotionally invest in these experiences
and form attachments that nurture and satisfy oneself and maybe others. Tenacious
engagement at the level of feeling. The need for a more sustaining care, the kind of
care that nurtures both self and whatever experience that State represents.

LEO (keyword: create). The need to improvise more and find the joy of discovery in the
experiences of this State. The need for a more creative approach to this State and
having more fun along the way.

VIRGO (keyword: service). The need to know what best serves these experiences and
how this knowledge can help sustain a higher quality of living that experience. A need for
pragmatic and utilitarian style of setting things in order. A need for compartmentalizing.

LIBRA (keyword: harmony). The need for equality and a balanced approach that can lead
to more social awareness of the concerns and interests of others. A need to avoid hierarchies
that jam communications and depersonalizes self and other.

SCORPIO (keyword: passion). The need to feel strongly about this State's experience to
become personally engaged. A thirst for intensity and total immersion. A need for investigation
to prioritize experience that actually matters to you and to know what doesn't matter.

SAGITTARIUS (keyword: challenge). The need to take risks and discover a spirit of adventure.
A need to a certain thrill factor of flight, gambling, pushing the limits, expanding consciousness.

CAPRICORN (keyword: ambition). The need to establish goals and the means to realize them.
An organized and effective approach to achievement. A need for recognition from others in the
experiences and products symbolized this State.

AQUARIUS (keyword: freedom). The need for enough detachment to assure more social mobility
to come and go. A need for experimentation and the freedom to explore broader range of interests,
often through social or group dynamics of some kind.

PISCES (keyword: absorbing). The need to be more open to and merge with whatever experiences
emerge from this State. A receptive and empathic approach to whatever or whomever presents itself.