Viewer Responses
~ after watching a Preview Screener ~

I just finished watching Antero Alli’s often dream like new film, Blue Fire. In fact the film opens directly on the dream images of a sleeping character moving through a tunnel. But as soon as he wakes and walks down a hallway the images of that tunnel are superimposed over that hallway, calling into question whether our waking world is a corollary or just another form of dream.

These kinds of juxtapositions work throughout the film as the three main characters struggle with feelings of conflict and also the creative energy that rises as they interact. Some are attracted, others repelled and these energies feed their relationships.

The other major layer is added when we find that these energies are being channeled by one of these main characters into the creation of an AI program, driven to self actualization and to take the world in a new direction.
The amazing thing about Blue Fire is just how well Antero balances all these energies into a story that explores both these polarities as well as how they feed into an oncoming singularity.

A masterful high wire act that will leave you contemplating the themes long after it is over. Bravo.

- Robert Cohen
Tucson, AZ

Noniin! I watched BLUE FIRE yesterday. It was quite a psychedelic experience. The graphics in the dream scenes were stunning and all the music resonated with everything. I could, uh, definitely relate to the Anima possession and projection theme… would be surprised if my own adventures didn’t serve a bit as an inspiration here. This also reminded to check in with myself if I might currently be in a state of soul loss.

I appreciated the variety of all kinds of subtle dream language details sprinkled everywhere. That or they just happened to be there. For instance, found it very funny how Timoleon and Dana were sitting in a quincunx angle at the dinner table while discussing the catalyzer and the catalyzed. While eating soup? quincunx soup? Both ate their own soup neatly and were able to communicate effectively. And the atmosphere throughout the film, full of compassion for the human condition; for example how projections are universal, like the mug echoes in the background when the Jungian analyst is teaching about projections.

The film keeps acting on my consciousness, for example today it occurred to me that Sam was wearing a red scarf on his head, which reminded me of Red Riding Hood, something you mentioned last autumn during Experiential Astrology. The difference between Sam’s immature attitude towards the archetypal / dream realm contrasted with Timoleon’s grounded and service-oriented approach and the feel that each of these gives off was something that resonated with my own current processes.

-Lauri Kivekäs,
Composer/Musician on "Blue Fire" soundtrack

Loved your movie. Blue Fire. Negotiating realities and cartwheeling into new territories these characters are decidedly human. They seek. While the woman uses her intuition, threads are skillfully woven. Sylvi’s voice, her voice..the sound fresh and soul moving. Says to me the future can be many things, beautiful, dangerous, dark, subsumed by gods and archetypes and more vivid than that huge old hit of psychedelia. Minerva blew my mind. I cackled with joy at her divine sparkle and madness! Divine gone wild. What a dream to dream!

- Tara C. Candoli,
Los Angeles CA

This is one of the most interesting and thought-provoking films I have watched this year. I have been curious about the AI phenomena for a while now and have held off from falling into either the AI savior or destroyer type of thinking.  I wanted to like the character Sam and I will admit there was something about him that frightened me. The way he walked around with earbuds in his ears and the blanket cape made me feel like he was demonically influenced (vocalized by Dana on several occasions). Not sure I fully understood what was going on, but it somehow relates again to that loss of self and “other” forces working through one as opposed to one who is living from a place of autonomy and integrity. 

 I was aware of a stark difference in the demeanor and behaviors of Professor/Dana and Sam, and I chock that up to the fact that both the Professor/Dana seemed to be on a more organic life path in terms of living life on life’s terms and manifesting their dreams one step at a time, inching closer to their dreams the more honest they were with themselves and each other. There was a slow, easiness about them both that I felt was appealing. The shock that the Professor experienced at the beginning of the film and the life changing decision to leave a job he felt trapped in towards the end resonated a lot with me and I felt a genuine warmth, affection, and admiration for his and Dana’s characters.

 I appreciated all the stunning visual effects (both the beautiful and the ones that disturbed me) and it felt like the whole film was a dance of individual dreams at play with the universal dream of the collective unconscious. And I loved the music. I was so overjoyed to hear the powerful influence of Michelle Bellerose in this film. I don’t know why but it made me so happy. 

 The biggest takeaway for me from the film was the understanding that I don’t need to worry about AI and the future of humanity - that the real magic is happening right now in this present moment when I stay true to my vision and focus on what matters most to me. Ultimately, I think AI will serve as a savior to some people and will also act as a destroyer for others. The choice is ours as to where we put our attention and how we relate to this technology as it evolves in our lives. We can use it as a tool, or we can become addicted to it and it can destroy our lives. 

-Jennifer Bruce
Tepoztlan, Mexico

I watched “Blue Fire” last night and really enjoyed it, thank you. I got a relaxed, spacious, present feeling watching this film - similar to how I feel any time I watch the “dream body /earth body” documentary you made. I always appreciate the themes you cover, how prominent the dream/subtle realm is in your narratives, how gently and deeply the characters connect, and how you tell stories I don’t feel are being told anywhere else, stories I can relate to even though they are utterly unique. Thanks again for another provocative and inspiring cinematic experience. Thanks for making it and for sharing it with me.

-James Wagner, actor
New York City

I got a calm, quiet moment to watch Blue Fire on my tv.  It was captivating and I enjoyed never being able to predict what would come next. Great music and touches of humor. Such an deep, original and optimistic storyline. Jung, transference and archetypes were interesting enough, but then a student asked about transference onto nothing, the void! That was fascinating! I appreciated how the expert simply said "I don't know" to her question. That's rare for a professor!

The Sam actor (Bryan Smith) could not have been better for the part!!! He was great, so was Douglas Allen, who I almost didn't recognize. He's a chameleon. I liked watching Sam take the Salvia Divinorum! I once tried it and felt like i was going into a void! I "woke up" and my hair was on fire! Also, I've had Anubis appear to me but never understood why. I have his statue over my fireplace. Why did Sam have a big statue of his head on the ground? I thought it was really great and funny when the investigator told them that Sam had hacked the system, promoting women to more powerful positions. And I laughed when the police officer enthusiastically said she was promoted to captain and tossed up her hat. I was happy for Timolean when he was able to stop teaching the same things over and over again and just be himself, the dream. I can't walk away from any of your films feeling unchanged. It's beautiful and powerful, like your soul. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. 

Kassandra Lennox
Novato, CA

Film director and author Antero Alli has used his remaining time on Earth making a film, Blue Fire, also writing more books. He is an inspiration in living a good life, as well as how he has navigated illness and old age hitting him hard and fast. It’s with great honour and humility that we have been included in, asked for, and merrily given our materials for Antero’s feature film. Xtreme Chromo & almost wholly and holy CHORONZON 333 and project Lilith- which has been a long held passion project founded by P. Emerson Williams- where he lets me play to ensure results to his master plans from back when the sonic project of Choronzon was in its inception in the 1980s. It’s such a privilege to witness the project move from where it was to where things converge in to becoming included this way. Lots of words though the one that comes to mine to describe recent years and this feature film is ineffable. See for yourself this Equinox 21/9/23 USA PDX Oregon.

With love, tingly spines, gratitude and a smile-
P. Em & Krys., Wales
Composers/musicians on 'Blue Fire' soundtrack

When I watch any of Antero's films, I always tend to put myself in the character's shoes. Interestingly enough, this story is about 'psychological transference', a term I have heard before that relates to the unconscious projection of thoughts, emotions, and energy onto another person, which apparently we all do, and which I tend to do by personifying with the characters while watching films like this.

My obvious association was with Sam, the character that I most closely related to within the story. His carefree attitude and off-beat personality traits, as well as his hidden agenda, resonated with me. The story left Sam in limbo, a common theme for characters in Antero's films, I'm not sure if Sam's consciousness ended up merging with the AI entity or not, but I will presume (and hope) so.

Be forewarned, there are no good guys in this movie. No bad guys either. Simply explorers. For me, the film induced a state of curiosity about the possibility of human consciousness actually merging with artificial intelligence as well as a feeling of wonderment and excitement about our future. The special effects were absolutely spot-on and intense. Loved them!

Sam's acting was great! He really played the part well and was very convincing. The set was superb and gritty just like I like it, a 'real-world' location! You do have an eye for finding the perfectly 'human' set, Antero. Well done!

Rick Wilding, Tiny House Builder
Corbett, Oregon

Douglas Allen as "Timolean" & Kasia Caravello as "Dana"


BLUE FIRE Film Review #1

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