Thursday November 10th, 2005, 8pm.
21 Grand, Oakland CA
World premiere
Thursday December 1st,2005, 8pm.
Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley CA
Berkeley premiere
Thursday January 19th, 2006, 7pm and 9pm
Red Poppy Arthouse, San Francisco CA
S.F. premiere
Thursday February 9th, 8pm
21 Grand, Oakland CA
Sunday February 12th, 8pm
Fools Foundation Gallery, Sacramento CA
Sacramento premiere
Monday February 13th, 7:35pm
The Magic Theatre, Nevada City CA
Nevada City premiere
Sunday February 19th, 1pm
The Rose Theatre, Port Townsend WA
Pacific Northwest premiere
Wednesday February 22nd, 8pm
NorthWest Film Forum, Seattle WA
Seattle premiere
Friday February 24th, 9pm
Hollywood Theatre, Portland OR
Portland premiere
Friday & Saturday May 19 & 20, 7:35pm
The Magic Theatre, Nevada City CA
Friday May 26, 8pm
A.T.A., San Francisco CA
Friday March 30, 8pm.
Grace North Church, 2138 Cedar, Berkeley CA
August 31st, 8pm
Caifornia Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco CA
Friday October 10, 7pm.
Diva Center , Eugene OR
Friday December 18, 8pm.
Grace North Church Sanctuary, Berkeley CA
Wednesday March 31st, 7:30pm.
Humanist Hall, Oakland CA
Wednesday June 27th, 7:30pm.
Humanist Hall, Oakland CA
Friday Sept. 20th, 7:30pm.
The Dream Institute, Berkeley CA
Wednesday Dec 4th, 6pm.
University Press Books,Berkeley CA
Thursday Sept. 4th, 8:30pm.
Finnish Kaleva Hall, Berkeley CA
Sunday January 29th, 7:30pm.
PerformanceWorks NW, Portland OR