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Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
Note: The planetary glyphs below link to astronomical facts
Uranus; Liberating Force of Innate Autonomy
We are born free. True freedom expresses an innate autonomy shared with all living things who are free by virtue of their very being. Over decades of societal, media, teacher/parent and peer conditioning, we lapse into a cultural trance of oppression and forget how self-governing, and autonomous we actually are. Break trance!
Freedom/Oppression. The House of natal Uranus points to where the oppression of cultural trance may have been acting on us since birth. The Sign of Uranus indicates how we can liberate our innate autonomy once the specific patterns of oppression are exposed. True freedom expresses our innate self; remove or bypass the source of oppression and freedom emerges. The innate autonomy symbolized by Uranus is not the kind of freedom to do anything we want to do at any time we want to do it. It's more like the freedom from something. For examples, 9th House Uranus may reflect an early religioius conditioning shrouding our innate spiritual freedom. Once this religious programming is exposed as a source of oppression, there can be freedom from religion.
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When we are ready to wake up to our true freedom, we are ready to govern ourselves as sovereign beings. One common oppression to autonomy comes as the desperation to achieve total certitude in anything. Uranus represents the objective truth of UNCERTAINTY; that awareness of not knowing what is going to happen next does not have to be a problem. Look at uncertainty as a creative state. When the force of our autonomy (Uranus) finally awakens, it disrupts our oppressive habit patterns and behaviors with the unsettling presence of increasing uncertainty and chaos. CHAOS IS ENERGY. Chaos, the enemy of stone cold dogma.
The House placement of natal Uranus can indicate where we are possessed of real brilliance and even genius and, a startling stubbornness for zero compromise. However, this force of autonomy is often buried under layers of cultural oppression. Waking up to our freedom comes as a revealing, more tyhan any kind of achievement. For example, when the immature idea of freedom as ego independence (I can do whatever I damn well please!) is upstaged by the authenticity of innate autonomy, ego becomes "integrated" by Uranus. As we grow more secure in our true freedom, our autonomy can no longer be threatened. Yest we are also only as autonomous as the autonomy we can permit others. Some become Uranian activists in the revolution of awakening the autonomy in others and some walk the quieter path of simply living free as an example.
Neptune; Dreaming Force of Dissolution
Like the steady crashing of waves turning rocky seashores into pebbles into sand, Neptune (aka Poseidon) God of the Seas symbolizes the gradual erosion of boundaries, borders, and barriers dividing us from the experience of cosmic unity and our return to divinity. Natal Neptune represents the invisible, pervasive force of our dreams, ideals, and nightmares. From our greatest expectations and aspirations to our greatest disappointments, and delusions, Neptune charts the path of our disillusionments, our suffering, and our enlightenments.
When self-delusion and unrealistic expectations are exposed for the illusions they are, we become disillusioned. As more illusions are dispelled we begin to see life more as it is and not as we think it should be. We become more enlightened to existence and a new respect for the existing conditions of things. With the suffering that comes with disappointment, the need for compassion emerges. We need compassion to endure the conflicts and confrontations between our earthbound limitations and the vast and powerful forces of our boundless dreams, longings and ideals. Neptune represents an awesome force of dreaming that cannot be reasoned with or figured out, as much as experienced. We can be moved, inspired, and transported by the waves of Neptune but there's no map to accurately predict its constantly shifting weather.
Neptune's House can show us where we experience our greatest sacrifices throughout our lifetime, what we have been forced to give up or are yet to give up as part of our personal disilusionment into enlightenment process. Natal Neptune points to where our personal expectations may exceed our earthly means for their manifestation in the world. Neptune is where we tend to ignore boundaries and borders, as if they do not exist or maybe feel unnecessary; to Neptune, all divisions are arbitrary. Like Uranus and Pluto, Neptune cannot really be integrated as a conscious act. It is more like the ego becomes integrated with Neptune -- we become Neptunized. This can happen as we show more compassion for ourselves and each other, especially in those experiences linked with the House that Neptune resides in. Neptune can also indicate where we disappear or seek escape from the world.
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Neptune also represents the spiritual needs for solitude and intimacy with the formless substance of Void, intimacy with Void, the potential energy behind and within everything that exists. Space is not empty; it teems with potential energy, the whirlpools of Neptune. Developing the imagination and staying close to our sources of inspiration (music, poetry and cinema are all Neptunian vessels) can encourage a more harmonious interaction with the elusive, slippery force that astrology calls Neptune.
The energy symbolized by Neptune triggers the direct intuitive experience of our double, or dreambody, and the electromagnetic field of our aura. When the Neptune current is activated we are more likely to identify with this double than our physical bodies. In its extremes, Neptune links to out of body experiences. Those with strongly placed Neptunes (especially in close aspect with the Moon, Ascendent, Venus or Sun) can exhibit escapist tendencies and be more vulnerable to deep drug and/or alcohol addiction. These types of experiences offer an, albeit temporary, escape from the physical body and the material world, while offering a subjective experience of communion with spirits or the spirit world; "spirits", another term for booze.
Neptune represents that part of ourselves yearning for communion with Source, divinity, with our spiritually immaterial nature. This aim can also be achieved through sobriety in psycho-spiritual disciplines such as yoga, meditation, dreamwork, and various magickal ritual processes. Many of the world's great religions have originated in densely over-populated cultures -- India, China, Africa, Japan -- that incorporate "Neptunian" rituals and traditions for escaping the physical body and the squalor of poverty, disease and over-crowding. And so, it can be said that natal Neptune also represents our escapist tendencies, where we tend to disappear or want to disappear or practice some type of invisibility.
My natal Neptune conjuncts Saturn in the 11th House. I am a pragmatic dreamer who's busy giving form to my dreams. I tend to project onto people a kind of social utopianism; I see their positive potential. The whole drama of trying to fit into society has been a joke for me. The utopia I live in is not in any society but a world peopled by those I work closely with in dream-based processes of cinema, ritual, theatre, music, poetry, etc. My greatest disappointments have come from those friends and groups (11th House) failing to live up to my big dreams and expectations. Since Saturn also conjuncts Neptune I have learned to attune my expectations to the limitations of others and to dream more realistically. I have learned to only follow those dreams that I have enough support to realize. This is how I make my dreams come true. I live an ideal life by many standards yet it's also a life I had to structure based on what inspires me and the humbling acceptance of my limitations. I have become a reality-based dreamer.
Pluto; Transformative Force of Soul Intent
The transpersonal force of Pluto represents a shock to our nativete around death, the impermance of earthly life and the numerous forms of natural decay, corruption, and dying. Death is always more shocking in materialistic, death-ignorant societies where exposure to organic processes of human decomposition are taboo and hidden from public view in hospitals and morgues. The presence of death reminds of us of the impermanence of life. When we live as if we will live forever, our lives and egos are more vulnerable to plutonic shocks; shocks to our death naivete. As this naivete continues, we become as "shock magnets" attracting to us the inevitable awareness of the objective truth of impermanence.
Astrological Pluto symbolizes soul intent that expresses the soul's purpose for incarnating in the current lifetime. From a soul level, we are not human beings having spiritual experiences but spiritual beings hungry for specific human experiences to further embodiment into the human condition. Look to natal Pluto's House for clues about the kinds of experiences that can satiate the soul's voracious appetite for human experience. This placement can also show you where you are most likely to manifest your greatest obsessions and where you are most likely to experience the greatest changes in your life. Obsession, as the term is used here, simply refers to wherever you are in most direct intuitive contact with vital life energies. Obsession is where most of our energy fixates and Pluto can represent a point of obsession to the PLuto-integrated ego.
Click the above for Plutonic transmission
Obsession itself is neither bad or good; what your obsessions serve determines its value, ethics, and purpose. This is an important note to realize. Without a transpersonal purpose for Pluto, our obsessions can implode and force us to deal with more energy and neurotic fixations than our egos and individual bodies can endure without self-destructing. Pluto represents a very deep, powerful core appetite for experiences related to the House it lives in. When we lose touch with this core hunger, we lose touch with the specific power of we are here to embody in the human condition. Losing touch with this power leaves us feeling powerless, impotent and ineffective in the face of impermance.
The ego seeks to be empowered since it naturally feels powerless. There are many kinds of power. In astrology, we count twelve definitions of power correlating with the 12 Houses. Look to the House placement of natal Pluto to discover more about the kind of power you are here to experience, embody and transmit. When we fail to become genuinely empowered, we go on petty ego trips in our attempts to regain lost ground and power. Most of these attempts backfire and become destructive, not just to ourselves but to others and the world at large. The way to genuinely empower the ego is through Pluto but to do this, we must come to terms with power. Specifically, this means we must define (or redefine) the kind of power we find allegiance with -- as a power of influence. How do we wish to influence others and the world ? Look to Pluto's House placement. When the ego becomes integrated by Pluto, we can become more politicized versions of ourselves. Thbis has little or nothing to do with political parties. We realize our power and can work our influence to productive ends, rather than posing as self-appointed power mongers, jerks and assholes.
M natal 9th House Pluto symbolizes the "power of vision and perspective". What I see and how I find the context for perception demonstrates how I am empowered. I would not recommend this as a path for anyone else unless they also have 9th House Pluto. My ego becomes "integrated by Pluto" through a transpersonal cause, or any direction and/or outlet that benefits more than mu own personal interests or survival agendas. As a 9th House Pluto person, my transpersonal causes include teaching, consultation, and filmmaking; all act as effective vehicles for my "vision power". Since I have made my peace with power, I am at peace with empowering others.
When the Cosmos Speaks Back
These planets -- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto -- represent autonomous forces that seem to act out their own agendas or intentions. At best, astrology can be used as a language to track and understand these intentions and perhaps provide a code for interacting with the archetypes themselves. With enough practice and humility we can remember: we are not the archetypes -- we are nobody but ourselves. We can participate with archetypes by aligning our consciousness with the forces that be. When diligent self-observation accompanies the study of astrology, we can discover a cosmic communications medium through which all manner of messages can be received, stored, and transmitted. We speak with the cosmos and the cosmos speaks back.
Transpersonal Engagement
THE THEORY. As the transpersonal forces cannot truly be activated by personal will,
or directly, we look to the State the Force(s) inhabits for clues of the kinds of experience
that might possibly trigger the release and expression of these larger forces indirectly.
THE EXPERIMENT. Invent or create a project, something to do or achieve,
through the environment of experiences innate to the State of the transpersonal
force you wish to engage. For example, the environment of experiences innate to the
4th Sustaining State might be immersing yourself in housework or interior decorating
or cooking a 4-course meal. Without thinking about the transpersonal forces, focus
entirely on the experience of the State and the project you initiate there. Give it time
and see what happens. Write down any resulys worth noting. If you like, post them at
the Week Four forum thread "Research Task #1 - Transpersonal Engagement".
The Subversive Force of Chiron
Plus Week Four - Research Task #2
click above to enter Chiron